
Edo Kosode

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小袖は、今日の着物(和服)の原型で、袖口が小さく縫いつまっていることからこう呼ばれます。 平安時代に、いわゆる十二単(じゅうにひとえ)の下着や庶民の衣服として用いられていたものが、時代を経て変化し、 江戸時代に至って基本的な服装の形としての小袖が完成しました。

Kosode, a narrow-cuffed garment that served as the archetype for today's kimono, is sewn with small cuff openings, hence the name kosode which means "small cuffs.
" During the Heian Period (794–1185), kosode were used as undergarments for junihitoe robes worn by court ladies, as standard clothing by ordinary citizens, and in other applications.
They underwent changes over the centuries and, by the Edo Period (1600–1868), had reached their final basic form as a garment of clothing.
The Silk Museum displays 65 such garments, mainly comprising kosode from the late Edo Period.

